GLOVBarbie Scrunchies hair bands
The GLOV Barbie hair accessory complements your style perfectly.
- guaranteed to be gentle on hair
- creates a simple and trendy hairstyle
- does not leave a mark on hair
- used for convenient styling of your hair
- has an original shape
How to use:
Use as classic hair elastics to create ponytails, braids and other hairstyles.
GLOVBarbie Scrunchies hair bands
You save 61%The lowest price this product has been offered at in the last 30 days before the start of this offer/sale. More information
type Pink Panther 3 pc
In stock | £1.80 / 1 pc, incl. VAT | Code: GLO03113
Monday 21/10/2024
In-store collection
Monday 21/10/2024