Get rid of hardened skin on your heels and give your toenails a quick and easy trim. We offer everything you need for at-home pedicure and velvety smooth feet. Pick a quality manicure and pedicure kit, electric or mechanical foot file and hydrating cream for hard skin, and show off your beautiful feet.
No time or money to get a salon pedicure? has all the necessary equipment for home pedicure and manicure to help you get rid of hard skin, trim your nails and make your feet look simply flawless.
Pedicure can be even trickier than manicure because toenails are harder and they have a tendency to grow in. This is why you should take your time when trimming them. And while you’re at it, how about doing a foot treatment while playing your favourite music?
You can finish up by filing the nails and using a nail varnish. Will you go for wild summer colours, or do you prefer a subtle French pedicure?
Trust the time-tested home pedicure products by Scholl, Magnum or Philips and enjoy your smooth feet with every step you take in your sandals or slippers. Start your foot care and pedicure routine today and relish in your perfect feet!